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StageBugs Productions, an emerging independent theatre company established in 2019 by producers Phillip Bolton and Britni Leslie, is dedicated to developing, producing, and touring popular, innovative live entertainment. Productions span from intimate solo shows and regional tours to concerts and large-scale theatrical productions. Our theater serves as a welcoming haven for individuals of all abilities to showcase their talents. We take pride in fostering an inclusive environment where everyone feels encouraged to pursue their passion for the performing arts.

After being diagnosed with ADHD, Britni Leslie felt a heightened sense of importance in creating a safe space where people of diverse backgrounds, experiences, and abilities can come together and thrive.

StageBugs Productions was founded in honor of our beautiful angel babies, and over the past few years, we have organized several charity events benefiting the remarkable SANDS organization. To all the families who have experienced the loss of babies, please know that you are not alone, and you will find light again. We've always aspired to create a production company that not only delivers quality theatre but also supports the artistic community. We hope the environment we've cultivated is one where people can feel safe and supported.

Britni and Phil extend their heartfelt thanks for your continued support in this inspiring journey.

“Happiness is anyone and anything that's loved by you.”

― Charles M. Schulz

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